



Ready to get started with positive reinforcement training? The Academy offers courses and programs to support you every step of the way.

Ready to get started with positive reinforcement training? The Academy offers courses and programs to support you every step of the way.

Ready to get started with positive reinforcement training? The Academy offers courses and programs to support you every step of the way.

Ready to get started with positive reinforcement training? The Academy offers courses and programs to support you every step of the way.

LEVEL I - June 24th

In this 8-week program you will learn how to effectively train your horse with positive reinforcement through video tutorials, weekly group meetings, 1:1 video feedback, and access to Marina with messaging support. You will begin to teach your horse PHT's foundational behaviors such as food manners, duration, countdown, targeting, targeting body parts part 1, liberty leading, self-halter, and stationary target.

LEVEL II - September 16th

In the 8-week Level II program, you'll advance your skills in equine training, utilizing techniques like counter conditioning, reinforcement schedules, and learning to teach specific tasks such as A to B's. Stay, "Yes," standing at mounting block, and side passing. Support includes weekly group meetings, 1:1 video feedback, and access to Marina with messaging support. Win a Buckle for Level II completion! 🏆


In the Level III 8-week program, you'll continue to refine your positive reinforcement training skills by creating personalized shaping plans, engaging in advanced techniques like mark training and behavior chaining for show patterns. Support includes weekly group meetings, 1:1 video feedback, and access to Marina with messaging support. Win a Buckle for Level III completion! 🏆


Let's face it, working with a Wild horse is just different. Sure the principles are the same, but typically the steps are smaller and the fear responses bigger. I feel you. I have been there. Which is why I created this program. In "WILD Foundations" we will cover the Principles of Positive Reinforcement including the basics of operant and classical conditioning and how they apply to WILD horse training.

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© 2023 Positive Horse Training, All Right Reserved

© 2023 Positive Horse Training, All Right Reserved

© 2023 Positive Horse Training, All Right Reserved